
Linux Kernel


Brick Technologies Co., Ltd

Source Code:kernel\cgroup\cgroup.c Create Date:2022-07-27 12:12:15
Last Modify:2020-03-12 14:18:49 Copyright©Brick
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函数原型:static void css_task_iter_advance(struct css_task_iter *it)



struct css_task_iter *it
4458  lockdep_assert_held( & css_set_lock)
4459  repeat :
4460  如果task_pos
4466  如果flags按位与rnal flags flags与等于rnal flags 的反
4468  否则task_pos等于链表后项
4471  如果task_pos恒等于tasks_headtask_pos等于链表后项
4473  如果task_pos恒等于mg_tasks_headtask_pos等于链表后项
4475  如果task_pos恒等于dying_tasks_headss_task_iter_advance_css_set - advance a task itererator to the next css_set*@it: the iterator to advance* Advance @it to the next css_set to walk.
4477  否则
4479  ss_task_iter_advance_css_set - advance a task itererator to the next css_set*@it: the iterator to advance* Advance @it to the next css_set to walk.
4482  如果非task_pos则返回
4485  task等于list_entry - get the struct for this entry*@ptr: the &struct list_head pointer.*@type: the type of the struct this is embedded in.*@member: the name of the list_head within the struct.(task_pos, structtask_struct, cg_list)
4487  如果flags按位与walk only threadgroup leaders
4489  如果非thread_group_leader(task)则转到:repeat
4493  如果非atomic_read( & live)则转到:repeat
4495  否则
4497  如果任务标志按位与Getting shut down 则转到:repeat
css_task_iter_startss_task_iter_start - initiate task iteration*@css: the css to walk tasks of*@flags: CSS_TASK_ITER_* flags*@it: the task iterator to use* Initiate iteration through the tasks of @css
css_task_iter_nextss_task_iter_next - return the next task for the iterator*@it: the task iterator being iterated* The "next" function for task iteration. @it should have been* initialized via css_task_iter_start(). Returns NULL when the iteration* reaches the end.